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                                  EARN YOUR CERTIFICATION FOR THE 2020 SEASON

                                  More than 10 years ago, Babe Ruth League partnered with leading coaching education provider Human Kinetics Coach Education to develop and deliver online courses for Babe Ruth League. Since then, more than 200,000 baseball and softball coaches have earned their certification through the courses. This education helps ensure Babe Ruth League and Cal Ripken Baseball coaches have the knowledge and tools they need to provide participants with the most positive sport experience possible.

                                  Coaching Youth Baseball the Babe Ruth League Way and Coaching Youth Softball the Babe Ruth League Way present fundamental coaching concepts and responsibilities and the most important coaching points of the major skills and tactics of youth baseball and softball.

                                  Before you purchase your course, we encourage you to review the tutorials found under the “Support” tab to familiarize yourself with the processes for purchasing and accessing your course, accessing the accompanying ebook, and printing your course completion certificate.

                                  Earn your certification today!

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